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JW PLAYERS 3.99 a PHPRS 3.81
Zaslán uživatelem/kou: freak (IP adresa zaznamenána)
Datum: 2007-07-06, 14:10

Dobry den

Prosim o radu, jak pridat do phprs tento flash player ?

The example HTML file in the download works right out of the box. If you look at it's source code (in a text or HTML editor), you can see that the SWF files are inserted in the page with a small javascript. These javascripts use the external swfobject.js script by Geoff Stearns in order to prevent the annoying "click here to activate" message. If you copy the SWF to your website, make sure you don't forget to copy the swfobject.js file as well. It is inserted in the HTML page right at the top:

<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
An insertion javascript allows you to set the location of the SWF, it's width and height, a name, the version of Flash that is needed and the backgroundcolor of the movie. You can also send a list of flashvars (with the addVariable() command) to the SWF to configure it (for that see the next paragraph). When the HTML page loads, the javascript replaces the element of your HTML with the "id" you provided in the javascript (make sure you have an element with that id!).

<p id="player"><a href="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">Get Flash</a> to see this player.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
var so = new SWFObject('mediaplayer.swf','player','400','400','7');
If you cannot use javascript on your website (for example if you run the SWF on a profile site like MySpace), you can use an "embed" code instead of the javascript. Your SWF will probably be on another server then. That is OK, but note that your XML playlist (if used) should always reside on the same server than your SWF, or else the security restrictions won't allow the player to load it. Having MP3 or JPG or FLV files on a different server is no problem.

<embed src="http://www.myfileserver.com/folder/mediaplayer.swf" width="400" height="400"
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"
flashvars="file=http://www.myfileserver.com/folder/test.flv&displayheight=300" />


Re: JW PLAYERS 3.99 a PHPRS 3.81
Zaslán uživatelem/kou: Epic Arborius (IP adresa zaznamenána)
Datum: 2007-07-07, 09:35

do root adresáře si nahrej výše uvedené soubory mediaplayer.swf a swfobject.js, pak přidej blok s tímhle obsahem...bez těch keců.mimochodem v těch kecech to docela taky vysvětlujou :)

Epic Arborius
ICQ: 238-661-681

Re: JW PLAYERS 3.99 a PHPRS 3.81
Zaslán uživatelem/kou: Co0kies (IP adresa zaznamenána)
Datum: 2007-10-05, 14:48

aky je odkaz na ten prehravac?

Re: JW PLAYERS 3.99 a PHPRS 3.81
Zaslán uživatelem/kou: ATP (IP adresa zaznamenána)
Datum: 2007-10-05, 17:59

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